Check the wellies!
I got the 'best dressed camper award!' lol. Given to me by a very drunk man :s god bless!
Well that's one of the best pictures from Farmer Phils, the other I'll pop up after as it has me in it *vain* yep :) I look like a 'Scottish Widow' in the black one though. This picture was PRE-Kat-falling-in-the-hole-and-nearly-breaking-her-leg-only-to-be-rescued-by-the-ce-cream-man picture *takes a breath*
I don't think I've ever fallen in a hole before when drinking :s I know I go 'walks' and end up somewhere random and scary! I nearly walked home once (as in back to Devon!) and that was MAD! The drink started to wear off after about the 2nd hour going by. But I don't do things like that anymore :D nope...no sirree...
So what have I been doing this weekend you ask? Well, I shall tell thee:
Friday- I got a bit pissed, NOT at the Swan, but with Matt and Pru! It was great! I won pool baby, it was 2 against 1 aswell-kiss my ass! :P mwahaha. After me and Pru walked back to her car and she informed me of the 'yellow car' game. Which consists of punching someone when you see a yellow car-Odd? Yes.Extremely childish? Yes. My kind of game? Yes. I ended up with a bruised arm as I am shit at the game, so I decided it would be better if we just hit each other if ANYTHING yellow was spotted...
There was a woman wearing a massive yellow top, I was sweating with the effort of holding back to not go over and punch her *laughs wickedly* I felt so bad, there were rozzers* around the corner aswell and I don't think they'd understand the game too well and may lock me up >.<>
Saturday- I got a bit pissed, I went out with Colmo in the early afternoon and had a few drinks at the new Montgomery's bar! Which was nice :) he had lego-resisted the urge to rip open the bag and play with it...
Posting more later as I am not alone (looks round office) I miss my office to myself >.<