JESUS! MAMMOTH Sunday post! I won't blame anyone for going blind on that one :s
I am late for work Monday (I was clearing Starburst I swear!) after death-gripping Gaz's arm as we cross the road back to mine I am pleased that I am back home and feeding the cats-I have a shower and get changed, book a taxi and then zoom off to work! I am not INCREDIBLY later (half an hour?) and that is pretty damn good for me!! I set to doing artwork as soon as I come in, the phone's go all pissing day and I am losing my rag my mid morning. I also have shown my thong off to 5 customers unintentionally and I can only blame Gaz for this, I have no idea why, I just don't like the blame being soley on me. My head is not 'with it' as i am tired (there were a LOT of starbursts!) Rod makes me 2 shitty cups of coffee with the wrong amount of sugar in! Like I'm not going ot know, honestly! I have cut down from 5 to 3 sugars, that is GOOD for me! If I taste less than 3 I am unhappy. I have also had 3 red bulls and am jumping round by about 2pm...Gaz apparently is perky...and I hate him for it,lol.
Late afternoon rolls in and I get my ass chewed by a customer (nothing like that to dampen your mood!) I listened to her rant and rave and to be honest I didn't actually bite back...that's what starbursts do for you! Everyone commented on my 'cat-who-got-the-cream-face' and this made me slightly pink as I think they know I was 'cleaning' all night...fuck...(that was an expletive then, not a description :P nyaaah) the rest of the day passes without incident, except I nearly forget to order some Regatta Jackets for some wank-ass customer-but I remember and plead with the company that supplies some garments that I will do anything for them to be sent! They agree, I am now doing live sex shows for a week ;D haha
Evening rolls on and I am at work late to make up for clean-(yeah...alright I'll stop....I wasn't cleaning at all!)ing. I remember I need cat food as Stef's tuna he gave me has run out! Little fuckers can eat :p so I make plans to mooch to Tesco from work as it's now like 7:30pm...decide against it, go to Coleham Spar instead where I see someone from school and make witty banter about me being like a Pot Noodle...you had to have been there really...it was good though! I walk back through the quarry, along the river to get home, chatting on the mobile to Richard and informing him we are going to see 4 films at the cinema! The reason for me ringing Rich is to inform him I saw Gerald (a duck with a blue bill we saw a couple of months ago!) and I nearly fell in the river upon inspection! Ducking Fuck!
I get home and feed le kitties who are yowling at me for food. I sort dinner out and then realise that I cannot see...there is smoke EVERYWHERE! Tea is fine but the oven is dying! I open the bathroom door, windows, and whack every fan on that I can! The smoke soon clears and I feel a little woozy. I go to bed early as I am bored and also the smoke has knocked me about a bit.
That was all that happened Monday!!
Right... TODAY
I get up, am on TIME for work (yep, that's right!) and Si is in a good mood. We are in the midst of sorting our antiques shop out and he's spewing hallmark talk e.t.c at me. I actually understand it all...which is worrying! I am quite quick at picking things up though, like a spongue or something. I get to work, leave MSN on so I can chat with Gaz (yeah...another post Gaz-orientated...christ) and set to work! I reel off 3 artworks by 12:00 which are all excellent (aren't they always?) I try and scour hotels in Wolverhampton so me and Pru can stay there overnight as 'THAT KEITH's' Birthday piss-night is up soon and I KNOW I will not be travel-worthy later on the same night. I get travel sick as it is (music seems to help me) and I really do NOT want to be throwing up on a train :S Pru would probably find it funny anyway,lol.
I give up on searching as I get bored very quickly, I have Minestrone soup and we have the 'weigh in', everyone at work's doing it. It was my idea to start it and I am pleased to say I am winning...until Simon steps in the scales...we tie and the money goes onto next week. 2.00 in the 'Kitty' each Tuesday (I opted for Tuesday as I know Monday will be a bad day to 'weigh' because I will have over-indulged at the weekend! Method in the madness see, they think I'm just being delightfully 'quirky,' fools.hehe) so I pop my money in and pray to god I win next tuesday!
Pru is making sure for most of the day that I remember I am meeting her at (says aloud) C I N E W O L R D at 1 0 P M (I have bee saying it all frigging day!!) so she can pick me aup and we can get her hair dye from Tesco's. She has allowed me some 'dawdle' time and I am thankful for that, I'd like to know what time I am really okay to be there...and have this odd sensation I should arrive late...I know she will insert something unpleasant into me though. I write the time and place and who on my left hand so I remember, I pray to christ my shower does NOT rub it off! Gaz offers me a lift to Cineworld, which is nice!(lol) I agree and now I have to meet him at his for 9:40 so here's my timeline so far:
L E A V E F L A T 9 : 3 0 P M
G A Z H O U S E 9 : 4 0 P M
C I N E W O R L D 1 0 : 0 0 PM
I am commiting these to memory now (SCAN) okay! There we go, I'm sure I'll remember....
It's 20:17 now and I should have enough time, if I don't dawdle round to go have a shower, dress and get ready to mooch over to Gaz's and then be on time for Pru....
I have two people waiting to kick my ass if I fail in this mission :S
I likes them odds :p
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