Left Gaz's, was in and went shopping Somerfields. Had a 'benny' as bags broke on the way back home, mini-cry as I was hot and annoyed. Man said, 'Why doesn't she get her boyfriend to help her out' I got annoyed and replied, 'Just because you can piss standing up does NOT make you superior in any way! Now kindly fuck off!!' Left him rather stunned, got home, unpacked shopping, cleaned, made dinner, read some raunchy fiction, got hot, got annoyed...
Went and had a cold bath, looked at self in mirror in an analytical fashion as I need to lose weight still...
Sadly, sat here eating Haagen Daas is not going to help.
It's too hot, it makes me feel sick, sticky and grumpy. If I was thinner I'd walk down the damned street butt-naked, but that's something I'm working on, decided not to have another spoonful of ice cream.
I've lost some things and can't remember what they are...will wander around aimlessly for a while and see if I can remember/find them...
STILL too hot! Have removed all clothes in hope to cool down, not working. Cat keeps lying on me, going to have to wax him.
Drank so much water I'm going to pee like a camel all night.
Have found phone.
Have found MP3 player.
Can't remember what else I was looking for...
Trying to get to sleep on top of covers, will watch porn
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