22 Aug 2008

IT'S FREAKING FRIDAY and also A FREAKING POST! Farmer Phil, Alcohol, Forums and Fun!

Oh yeah I got that Friday feeling:

Hazza ^.^

Ooooh god I love purple *secret grin*

Also yesterday I was feeling excessively happy...this is summed up below:

1, I got to work late
2, Had 3 quotes to do, was tired...had a Relentless
3, Finished quotes in 5 seconds after downing half of can
4, Dealt with an arsehole of a customer that was...well...being an arsehole really
5, Downed rest of can and had a pro plus
6, Had Neil pecking my head on a voice mail (actually as I write this he's leaving another)
7, Downed half on new relentless can
8, Decided to start calling wankers that haven't paid us
9, Finished 2nd can. Rang 'bob' (we'll say this as it's a big company) and bollocked them
10, 2 more pro pluses, decided to go on a forum I've joined me but x 10!
11, Another can of relentless gone down...I have skipped to the more now
12, Rod makes me coffee x 2...I am nearly dead x_x
13, I decide it'll be fun to clean the office
14, Bored because office took 10 mins to clean...normally an hour >.<
15, I go home...then go see Gaz...then doze on sofa! I'm tired by then

I am surprised my heart hasn't given out just yet...

Okay so what's happening tonight then...

I am going out playing pool at the lion and Tap! YOWZA! I so rule at pool (yes Shaun, modest again I know! :p) and I can whack all my fave music on the box and go MAD on corona and lime. Isn't it weird that alcohol makes you feel different things? Depending on what it is. I think I'll make a 'Alcohol+Kat' post in a bit and then people will know what to expect when they see a certain drink clutched in my hand :)

Rod's just brought me some apple slices, NOM NOM! :D he hates them and gets like a fruit combo pot, I love fruit....mmmm


I went there, I got muddy and came away with a mild sprain as I was a tit and raced the children (NOT MINE!!!) and a couple of security guards (they weren't after me, before you say it!) and I fell in a hole...yep...10 stella's will do that to you. I also have pics now! WOWWY! So uploading shall take place, YOWZA!! haha. I'll fill this in a little more later as I'm going to upload now.