22 Sept 2008

'I don't like Mondays'

SUB: In fact, I don't like ANY day without an 'S' in front of it.

Hey all!

Blog tiiiime.

Rod's gone from work, this means dear little me is going to be embroidering like a MOFO! I have cleaned the embroidery bay and tidied everything (I do NOT have OCD before anyone says...I just like things clean, okay!? :p nyah)

Okay so here are my random thoughts for the day:

  • I LOVE CALVIN HARRIS! He makes me do a little sex wee in my pants. Especially listening to his uber nice voice (melts)
  • Dizzee Rascal feat. Calvin Harris - Dance Wiv Me. Get that on your sound box now!! It's an order :)
  • I realise I haven't blogged for a bit, I thought I would be doing this religiously-evidently I am not a good Catholic :/ ah well >.<
  • I must start eating properly again, this spasmodic munching is no good!
  • I have to worm the cats
  • I can't remember where I've put my phone
  • Noone will make me a coffee with 4 sugars in it

Okay, so now you know what's happening in my brain today.

I was on a trampoline for the best part of 30 minutes yesterday entertaining the kids in the garden. I also manned the BBQ and successfully managed to feed Me, Helen, Jo, Cressada, Simon (adults-although I'm not really sure I can be counted as one) Jack, Georgia, Georgina, Eddy and Lucy (3yrs) so it wasn't a complete fiasco! I am always good in a crisis :) not my own like, everyone else's I'm fine with though.

Speaking of crisis-

You may have noticed my minor melt down on MSN and Facebook and other places (along the lines of hysterically typing: 'I FUCKING HATE THINGS, JESUS WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE SO MUCH SHIT?!') and various other bouts of rage at life in general. It's mainly because my fucking 'tard of a letting agent has decided to be a cunt and cause me much stress. Oh Kat's not mad enough already so we'll just make her go even more mental, a'thank you!

This weekend was also my last one to drink, and I didn't get drunk! People are tiptoeing around me like I have had my child eaten by a raptor or something :S I'm not really that bad am I?

I have been a liiiiittle tetchy aswell recently, understandably though since I thought I was being evicted on friday (19th! Just gone) so I was growling and stuff. Poor Mr.G-unit has had it in the neck, but he does drive me mad! He is so bloody pedantic about things and I can feel the little tension muscle in my eye going when he does that and I feel as though I want to bite him in a very naughty place.

I have just been asked by Jo if I 'Like Harry Hill?' um...No not really, just going to go all the way to London to see him for the sake of travel really.....

That's all for now!!

Peace and Chicken Grease.

Kat x